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Reading the Graph Chart – Relationship Between Videos in Your Research

The Graph Chart maps out the YouTube rabbit hole. In this article, we explain how to properly read the chart.

Maekersuite is a video pre-production tool that helps research and write your scripts to set your video projects up for success. We use data and AI to generate the best possible support for you on your video creation journey.

In your Exploration report you will find a Graph Chart that on the first look might look really complex but there is a logic to the madness. In this article we will explain how to properly use it.

How to read the graph?

This graph is basically the YouTube rabbit hole mapped out. How you ended up from one video to something completely different simply following the recommendations.

Each datapoint in this graph represents one video and the lines between them represent a recommendation to another video.

The size of the datapoint represents how many videos are recommending that video. So, the more there are videos recommending that video the bigger the datapoint.

The colour of the line is always in the colour of the recommender. So if you have a Red data point that has a red line to a green datapoint it means that the video represented by the red datapoint recommends the video represented by the blue datapoint. Eventually these often mix so we would advise not paying too much attention to the colour of the lines.

In general, the more a video has recommenders the deeper that datapoint gets as we get a deeper understanding of what content the video touches including descriptions, titles and metadata.

Getting started?

The easiest way to get started is to identify one of the bigger data points that feels relevant or interesting to you. If you want you can already stop here and look at that video in more detail by clicking it.

The next step in the analysis is to look at the videos that this video is recommending. Ideally you would want to create a video that could be recommended under this video. So looking at which videos are already there gives you a better idea of what kind of videos you could create.

We always suggest zooming into at least a few videos in any of the graphs to get a deeper understanding of what other creators are doing in the space.

Additional notes

Remember that this mapping is completely anonymized. So basically you would likely see a different mapping as YouTube recommended videos to you based on your activity. The connections you see on Maekersuite are always from the general (incognito) situation.

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